Consortia Management GmbH was founded in 2009 by Chemservice and the tax consultancy Projacon to combine REACH expertise with financial management competence and organizational skills. The company is located in Germany to serve the EU market, managing today about 25 consortia of different sizes and supporting many lead registrants with LoA management and data sharing activities.
Affiliates of Chemservice
Chemservice is a leading global consultancy to the chemical industry and its value chain with many years of experience in regulatory affairs, national and international chemicals legislation, toxicology, risk assessment and environmental sciences. We are part of the Chemservice group of companies, benefiting from a global network of experts.
Consortia Germany
Consortia Asia
Consortia Asia Co. Ltd. was founded in 2018 and is located in Korea to serve the Asian market in managing K-REACH and K-BPR CICOs and consortia. Consortia Asia combines the experience of Consortia Germany in managing EU REACH consortia for more than ten years with the K-REACH and K-BPR regulatory expertise of Chemservice Asia.
ChemAdvocacy Turkey
ChemAdvocacy Kimyasallar Danismanlik Ltd. Sti. was founded in 2021 as a partnership between Chemservice and REACH Global Services (RGS). It serves the Turkish market, being a One-Stop-Shop for KKDIK compliance. ChemAdvocacy Turkey bridges over 10-year-long REACH consortium management experience with KKDIK regulatory framework.
At your service
We are all providing comprehensive LoA management and data sharing services for chemicals legislation worldwide to contracted consortia, lead registrants, data requesters, or all other interested parties. Get in touch!